2012年12月2日 星期日

Model for end-stage liver disease score(MELD)

MELD(Model for end-stage liver disease) score   
 MELD Score = (0.957 * ln(Serum Cr) + 0.378 * ln(Serum Bilirubin) + 1.120 * ln(INR) + 0.643 ) * 10 (if hemodialysis, value for Creatinine is automatically set to 4.0)
the 3 month mortality is: [6]
40 or more — 71.3% mortality
30–39 — 52.6% mortality
20–29 — 19.6% mortality
10–19 — 6.0% mortality
<9 — 1.9% mortality
Source from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_for_End-Stage_Liver_Disease

