2012年9月9日 星期日

The ACIF(Acute Care Index of Function)(急性照護功能指數) would be appropriate for the acute care neurological setting, index items were chosen and defined by experienced physical therapists involved in the assessment and treatment of patients with acute neurological disorders.

圖片來源:Physical Therapy 1988,68,1102-1108.

The mental status items were included to improve the instrument's ability to separate the patients by score into groups consistent with discharge placement. Mental status items are rated as either "yes" or "no" according to the presence or absence of the defined behavior.
The remaining three subsets address the patient's ability to perform various gross motor activities (Fig. 1). The 16 items within these three subsets were selected specifically for use with patients with acute neurologic disorders. Items with a low level of difficulty (eg, bed mobility) were included because we believed
that patients with acute neurologic disorders would demonstrate change in their ability to perform these

1. Unable—Patient cannot physically assist to perform the activity.
2. Dependent—Patient assists to perform the activity but requires physical or verbal assistance to complete
the activity.
3. Independent—Patient performs the activity meeting all stated criteria without verbal or physical assistance.

The rating "unable" a score of 0, "dependent" a score of 1, and "independent" a score of 2.

